About Us...
"At Red Guitar, everyone is welcome, everyone feels comfortable and everyone learns how to play the guitar"
About Red Guitar...
Red Guitar is an independently owned local Canadian Company based right here in London Ontario.
We take great pride in teaching folks of all ages from 8 to 88 how to play guitar, one-on-one, live and in person, within the comfortable surroundings of a professional music studio.
Even if you've never owned or played a guitar before, everyone feels totally comfortable with the Red Guitar program.
And unique to Red Guitar is The Red Guitar S.T.A.R.T. Method, a customized lesson program which is designed to give you the ability to learn exactly what you want, from a safe and certified instructor, in a fun and encouraging environment.
You let us know what bands you like to listen to, who your favourite artists are, what kind of songs you would like to learn and what your musical dreams and goals are.

Note: We listen very carefully then design your lessons for you and you only.
The students love it!
We've been keeping track and we've found that students learn to play very quickly using our program because they're having a lot of fun learning exactly what they told us they wanted to learn.So our students gladly practice because practice time becomes their fun time.
Our program really works!

"Even after 38 years of playing and teaching, I never get tired of seeing the happy smiles from beginners as they rip off their first "G Chord." I mean...how could you...right? I know it's really not the "G Chord" that gives me so much pleasure it's just the pure joy of watching another young guitarist discover it.
It's very cool!
The guitar has given me many wonderful hours of enjoyment and has lifted my spirits during the sad times too. It has always been by my side just like a good friend.
Now what was once a dream has finally become a reality for me, forming my own company to teach guitar.
Welcome to Red Guitar!"
Richard Fysh
[email protected]