Excellent teaching methods suited to the learning style of each student!

March 12, 2017 redguitar_wp1955

As a music loving parent, I was very happy when my son picked up the guitar and took right to it but I realized when he was twelve that he needed a good teacher, so I began to look around.

Finding Rick and Red Guitar has been the absolute best thing that could have happened for Mitchell. Rick relates to him on his own level.

As an educator myself, I am always impressed by how Rick is able to motivate, encourage and bring the best out in his students. He is a very skilled guitarist and a very skilled teacher.

My son looks up to him as a positive role model and as a trusted friend.

Each week there are new songs being played at home and it is a joy to hear! My son plays with confidence and the lessons are totally stress free!

Rick incorporates many things into each lesson, such as theory, music history, guitar mechanics and so much more.

He shares his love for music and guitar with all who enter in to the wonderful world of Red Guitar!

I wouldn’t go anywhere else and neither would my fourteen year old son!