Best place to get rockified!

March 11, 2017 redguitar_wp1955

I have been taking lessons from Rick for just over 2 years now. Every time I walk in, we learn a different song. Of course we go over the other songs, but I’m always learning something new whether its rock or blues.

I personally recommend Red guitar not because I’m writing this testimonial, but because of how well Rick teaches. Rick will teach you the basics all they way to the point where you will have the song memorized.

He has the most patience in the world and will explain everything in the simplest ways possible.

The best part is he will teach you the songs you want to learn from start to finish. Not to mention, constantly remind you to practice.

My favorite part about the lessons would have to be the fact that when you’re learning, you just relax and have fun at the same time that you’re learning a song.

It’s what makes me want to keep coming back.